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Tuesday 6 November 2012

2nd time @ Suki-ya, Pavillion

Just finish lunch with Kanix at 南华楼 and she went back to her office to continue her work. I walk alone in the mall by searching some baking mold for my cake as it enlighten my jobless period in home when I bored. It usually serves as the only interested place that I will shop to and never get bored of it when I was alone.

After bought some mold and baking stuffs, I called my sis come to fetch me as usual as I lazy to take LRT back by myself. By purposely coming all the way from my house to Pavillion with mum to fetch me, I have been threat to treat them a meal.

*This is a lesson for being lazy to take public transport go back by myself*

I had Suki-ya as lunch with my colleagues just 2 or 3 months ago, and gonna to have it as second time tonight. It really serves as heaven for those meat lover or big appetite people, but not for me. I will be happier if I can have more vege choices tonight as I'm on my way to diet. Sis, mum and me have ordered 2 plates for each chicken, beef and lamb slices, and yet we can't finish these 6 plates by 3 of us....=.=!!!.....I think we should go for ala-carte steamboat next time instead of buffet style as we not really fancy with meat.

BUT, I have a strong feeling that I gonna to come again as third time as bf haven't tried it yet. My diet plan really gonna gone....>.<

Dessert of the day: Blueberry Cheese Cake from RT Pastry.
YES, we all are freaky full but we still want to eat it!

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