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Sunday, 5 May 2013


心痛, 不是因为大选的舞弊, 因为一早已经预料.
没有心存奢望这将是一个干净,公平和透澈的选举, 也预了各种各样五花八门的招式会出来, 包括外劳选民的出现.

They are innocent until they are proven to be guilty and ever they did, please don't hit/beat them but solve it legally and rationally. We are living in a civilized city, and so we are educated people. There is not any rules/right that we can/should express our personal emotional action on others by force or any illegal way. Else, what is the different of us with those gangsters or troublemakers in the society? 

We love Malaysia. We born at here and we would like to have a better future by using wisely the ticket in our hand, but not being controlled by those foreigners. This is the basic hope of Malaysians in this election, and that's the reason why we hate foreigner voters. 

I hate foreigner voters also, as I hope for a brighter future for myself and our next generation. 
I hate foreigner voters also, as I don't hope my this simple yet meaningful wish will be ruined by them just because they can vote too. 
I hate foreigner voters also, as some of them ever fierce than us as they are the real owner in this land, but not all foreigner voters. 
I hate foreigner voters also, as they have no the right to vote since they are not citizen.
I hate foreigner voters also, as they don't ever understand clearly about the issues happened at here no matter political, economic and social, but just blindly support those who gave advantages to them.

BUT, does it means that I can/should beat/hit or ever kill them when I saw they came to our voting place? Does it means that I should express my personal emotion towards them? 

Patriotism existed in everyone heart, especially when I saw there are so many voters appeared at each voting place this morning, some ever disabled voters, and I believe everyone here are patriotic. Many first-time voters which have reached their legal voting age long times ago are raised together with the youth, by wishing that each tickets can be use wisely and taken into count, but not flow into phantom voters or foreigner voters' hand. We have a hope that Malaysia will be better and yet peaceful at tomorrow, regardless of which parties that we choose. 

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