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Sunday 7 October 2012

After Convo

We received 4 bundles of fresh flowers, including one bundle of it is chocolate actually. It is happy to have flower in our convo where we take picture with it, BUT, what should we suppose to do with those flowers after convo???

Should we just throw it into bin? I think I can't do it, since the flowers still nice and yet, there are NOT CHEAP at all~~~

4 bundles of flowers on my hand, BUT, it was only one was mine, the rest were bf......*sob sob, he get more than me*

Good for this one as we no need to think of how to settle it....Haha....there are just merely chocolate, chocolate and

Can't bear to throw it as the roses were so beautiful, so does the cutie bear

Same goes to this one, although it has started to wilt.

Finally, it's my sunflower bundle with nerd looked money.*LOVE IT SO MUCH*

How nice and strong of the sunflower ever it has been holding by us all around to take photo under sun, but yet, it still blossom nicely.

So finally, we decided to take an recycle bottle to place all of these roses since we didn't have vase.


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