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Tuesday 23 October 2012

it's my CONVOCATION finally~07/10/2012

Finally, it's our convocation. *All the way after we have finished all our subjects in campus and stepped into working society for more than one year*

We have taken the robe right before the day of ceremony after being Q for so long. The convocation ceremony take place at our grand hall for continuing 4 days, and luckily our section falls on the second day, which is SUNDAY~

We should get ready in multipurpose hall before 7:30am actually, but unfortunately I went in late...=.= Therefore, I was kinda rush when I stepped in the hall and everybody already in their line as according to their seat number, and the most was, they have started in moving into grand hall already.

And the worst part was, I HAVE FORGOTTEN TO BRING ANY HAIR CLIP for my convo hat (whatever, not really sure what it is called for actually)..=.=
I was starting to look and ask around for extra hair clip, and ever to strangers also I don't care. I just wanted my hat to be placed nicely and neatly, and please don't fall especially when I on stage later.

And finally, I got the hair clip from my coursemate, Pei Chin, who was sitting besides of me while we all were waiting for our turn to go on stage. *Thanks*

Pei Chin, thank Q so much~

After ceremony, it's the time of us waiting so long. Let's photo session around~
I have requested my family to buy me a bundle of balloon so that I can hold it when I took picture around....such a great idea...haha

Captured along with 13th Convo banner is a must for me...please kindly ignore the others....haha

Next, the Yow's sister a.k.a 3 golden flower in Yow's family....wakaka

Follow by, bf and his sisters, the koay's siblings.

OK, finish syok sendiri. It's time to take picture with friends.

He Cheng and Nani, know when we still freshie....*YOUNG young*

My all-time bestie, Kah Yee

Jess, who has been ffk by me....*SORRY*...haha

Michelle Soo

Yee Ting

My little junior, Shi Teng. It's will be your turn at next year....^.^

Pearlyn and Jess

Ex-ex-roommate and ex-roomamate....LOL....Nani and Hui Fern

Peri and Grace


My Aunt 

Crazy Izan, Love Her so much...haha

Yeah~ Handsome uncle of the day...haha

Adjusting the 'hat' to take pic afterwards

Poor mum...haha

OK. Bye bye, MMU. Don't miss me....LOL

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