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Wednesday 3 October 2012

Apple Cupcake @ home

It's baking day again today~

Since there are quite a lot of apples in fridge, hence I decide to bake apple cupcake today.  Sounds weird, but taste nice *卖花赞花香* haha

250g Low Protein Flour
2 Green Apples
180g Sugar
100g Butter (room temperature)
1 teaspoon of Natrium Soda Powder
1 teaspoon of Baking Powder
1 teaspoon of Tartar Cream
4 Eggs (room temperature)
A bunch of Salt

1) Peel all the apples and cut into slices.
2) Cook the apples slices with 120g of sugar, slowly add in water so that it become thick syrup.
3) Separate all egg yolk and egg white, and set aside. Preheat oven.
3) Mix all the dried ingredient (except for cream of tartar), together with butter, egg yolk, and the cooked apples with syrup.
4) Beat the egg white until it become foamy. Add in cream of tartar and the rest of sugar.
5) Gently mix the egg white with (3) by using spatula so that the air inside it will hold the fluffy texture for the cake.
6) Place the mixture into cup and put it into preheated oven. Bake for 190 degree Celsius for the first 15 minutes, then change to 160 degree Celsius until it done.

                                            Apple cupcake done by playing masak skill....LOL

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