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Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas at KLCC Aquaria @ 25-12-2013

It's Christmas !!!

Guess that everybody will be excited when it comes to December as it indicated the end of the year, and it's time to review and taste and the result of the whole year that we have done! And because...Santa Claus is in the town (house???) that the atmosphere were filled by happiness and influenced everyone! Wonderful and yet colorful decorative have been setup in almost every shopping mall, with the must-item of glaring Christmas tree at the center point, YES, December will never be alone and boring month for all people in the world!

I LOVE DECEMBER~ by hoping that it will bring a brighter coming year for me soon every time~

The Koay's siblings~

Happy moment for the carnivore turtle

Busy of

Do you dare?

Merry Christmas @ KLCC Aquaria ~

Aquaria KLCC Aquarium
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Complex,
Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 
50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

Tel: +603 2333 1888 
Fax: +603 2380 0069

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